১০ম শ্রেণির বিজ্ঞান বিভাগের শিক্ষার্থীদের সবগুলো বিষয়ের লাইভ ক্লাস, লাইভ টেস্ট এবং অ্যানিমেটেড ভিডিয়োর মাধ্যমে বছরজুড়ে SSC পরীক্ষার A+...
বিস্তারিত দেখো
ফুল কোর্স প্রাইস
0% ডিসকাউন্ট
এই কোর্সে যা থাকছে
ভর্তিকৃত শিক্ষার্থী
ক্লাস চলবে
২৯ জানুয়ারি ২০২৬' পর্যন্ত
কোর্স এর এক্সেস
৩০ মার্চ ২০২৬' পর্যন্ত
কোর্সের শিক্ষকবৃন্দ
প্রোগ্রামের সিলেবাস
Bangla 1st
English 2nd Paper
English 1st Paper
Higher Math
General Maths
৯৯৯ টাকার ফ্রি স্টাডি মেটেরিয়াল ডাউনলোড করো
স্মার্ট নোট, বই, প্রশ্নব্যাংক, টিপস ও আরো অনেক কিছু
প্রোগ্রামের ক্লাস রুটিন & প্রসপেক্টাস
ক্লাস ১০ - SSC '26 QA
কোর্সটি করতে যা লাগবে
শিক্ষার্থীদের অভিজ্ঞতা
Student feedback is a collection of remarks, opinions, and sentiments toward a specific class, teacher, service, or educational institution.
তাহমিদ আহমেদ
great work
Feedback in the assessment and learning process aims to improve a student’s performance, and its benefits are manifold, including enhancing a student’s confidence, self-awareness, and enthusiasm for learning. Effective feedback during the first year in university is crucial in aiding the transition to higher education and supporting student retention.
Sakamoto Taro
It helps you to improve student, campus climate, faculty, and alumni experience. You can identify what are the improvement areas that need attention. Such tools offer a voice to the students and help academic institutions to improve graduation rates, applicant experience, and alumni giving.
Kamado Tanjiro
Student feedback software is used to collect feedback from students on various aspects of education like quality, relevance, method of teaching, teachers, logistics, etc. You can also use these tools to create surveys for kids or students about an event, their experiences as compared to the expectations, or learn more about their opinions about a certain topic.
Ahjin Guild
Student feedback software is used to collect feedback from students on various aspects of education like quality, relevance, method of teaching, teachers, logistics, etc. You can also use these tools to create surveys for kids or students about an event, their experiences as compared to the expectations, or learn more about their opinions about a certain topic.
Ahjin Guild
What is Student Feedback?
Student feedback is the data collected from students about their experience in their educational institutes. It can be verbal, written, or gestural. And it is used by institutions or teachers to implement future improvements over what is currently being done. It can be conducted with the help of student feedback software.
By promoting an ongoing feedback loop, educational institutions guarantee the prompt resolution of issues and the sustained commitment of instructors to improve the quality of education. This process also enhances student engagement, as students recognize that their opinions hold value and can directly influence the teaching process. This engagement often results in increased participation and a more profound commitment to learning, ultimately contributing to a more enriched educational experience.
Collecting student feedback is essential as it provides educators with valuable insights into their teaching methods and classroom dynamics, allowing them to make necessary improvements. Constructive feedback from students is a two-fold approach, highlighting what works well and identifying areas for potential enhancement.
Home Surveys Academic Research
Student Feedback: What It is & Why It Matters
Student feedback is the data collected from students about their experience in their educational institutes.
In educational institutions, teachers at all levels, especially in higher education, undergo periodic evaluations to assess their teaching performance, methods, and other crucial aspects of instruction. However, the role of student feedback in this process cannot be overstated.
It can concern a very narrow subject (Wi-Fi, dorms, etc.) or have very broad implications, and it is at the core of the growth of any Higher Education Institution.
Student feedback is a collection of remarks, opinions, and sentiments toward a specific class, teacher, service, or educational institution.
তাহমিদ আহমেদ
great work
Feedback in the assessment and learning process aims to improve a student’s performance, and its benefits are manifold, including enhancing a student’s confidence, self-awareness, and enthusiasm for learning. Effective feedback during the first year in university is crucial in aiding the transition to higher education and supporting student retention.
Sakamoto Taro
It helps you to improve student, campus climate, faculty, and alumni experience. You can identify what are the improvement areas that need attention. Such tools offer a voice to the students and help academic institutions to improve graduation rates, applicant experience, and alumni giving.
Kamado Tanjiro
Student feedback software is used to collect feedback from students on various aspects of education like quality, relevance, method of teaching, teachers, logistics, etc. You can also use these tools to create surveys for kids or students about an event, their experiences as compared to the expectations, or learn more about their opinions about a certain topic.
Ahjin Guild
Student feedback software is used to collect feedback from students on various aspects of education like quality, relevance, method of teaching, teachers, logistics, etc. You can also use these tools to create surveys for kids or students about an event, their experiences as compared to the expectations, or learn more about their opinions about a certain topic.
Ahjin Guild
What is Student Feedback?
Student feedback is the data collected from students about their experience in their educational institutes. It can be verbal, written, or gestural. And it is used by institutions or teachers to implement future improvements over what is currently being done. It can be conducted with the help of student feedback software.
By promoting an ongoing feedback loop, educational institutions guarantee the prompt resolution of issues and the sustained commitment of instructors to improve the quality of education. This process also enhances student engagement, as students recognize that their opinions hold value and can directly influence the teaching process. This engagement often results in increased participation and a more profound commitment to learning, ultimately contributing to a more enriched educational experience.
Collecting student feedback is essential as it provides educators with valuable insights into their teaching methods and classroom dynamics, allowing them to make necessary improvements. Constructive feedback from students is a two-fold approach, highlighting what works well and identifying areas for potential enhancement.
Home Surveys Academic Research
Student Feedback: What It is & Why It Matters
Student feedback is the data collected from students about their experience in their educational institutes.
In educational institutions, teachers at all levels, especially in higher education, undergo periodic evaluations to assess their teaching performance, methods, and other crucial aspects of instruction. However, the role of student feedback in this process cannot be overstated.
It can concern a very narrow subject (Wi-Fi, dorms, etc.) or have very broad implications, and it is at the core of the growth of any Higher Education Institution.
Student feedback is a collection of remarks, opinions, and sentiments toward a specific class, teacher, service, or educational institution.
তাহমিদ আহমেদ
great work
সচরাচর পাওয়া প্রশ্নসমূহ
লক্ষ্য জিপিএ-৫ SSC ‘25 Revision + Model Test প্রোগ্রাম কী?
SSC ২০২৫ ব্যাচের শিক্ষার্থীদের জন্য শেষ মুহূর্তে ঘরে বসেই A+ প্রস্তুতি নিশ্চিতের জন্য পুরো সিলেবাসের কমপ্লিট রিভিশন দেয়ার এবং পুরোপুরি অনলাইন মডেল টেস্টের মাধ্যমে প্রস্তুতি যাচাই করে নেয়ার পূর্ণাঙ্গ কোর্স। বুয়েট-ঢাবি-মেডিকেল পাস অভিজ্ঞ টিচারদের সাথে দেশের সবচেয়ে কম খরচে ঘরে বসেই SSC বোর্ড পরীক্ষার সব সাবজেক্টের সেরা প্রস্তুতি নিশ্চিতের জন্য এই কোর্স।